Tom Kenyon ''Straight Outta Compton'' (2015)

The target audience in my opinion is the succeeder, i think this because the band NWA always wanted to succeed, and the film is based around their lives and how they were once one o the best Hip Hop bands all of al time.

Preferred reading 
They have a very sympathetic way towards the people in the film (NWA) were treated, the preferred reason would've saw past their 'gangster' personality, even though they were often discriminated by the police. I think the racial hatred for black in the film from the police, was another factor contributing to people being sympathetic with them. The message of the film is that no matter your background, you can always achieve something if you work hard, i thin this can relate back to anyone as if you look at very successful peoples background, usually they have came from nothing or was once just an average person, but they worked hard and succeeded.

Oppositional reading

An oppositional reading would have people who have recognised the preferred reading, but ultimately decides to reject it. The way in which they would reject would be that, they will not feel the sympathy that the preferred readers would feel, as they may think they brought it upon themselves to live the way they did. Peoples cultural experiences may lead them to think this because they may have grown up in an area where gang related violence and the oppositional readers of Straight Outta Compton may think that NWA are just like that.

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